Information Technology
Examples of ICT consulting and research assignments include the following:
Market Scenario forecasting in the Next Generation Softswitch market
For a global supplier of switching and routing technology, Intercedent developed a forecasting model built upon telecom carrier capex analysis and analyzed the correlation between carrier expansion plans, economic growth and technology changes. These were used to provide the client with a series of scenarios for strategic planning.
Global competitiveness in professional services for telecommunications services
For an Asian-based technology company interested in building on its equipment successes to expand its engineering services business in global markets, Intercedent conducted primary research with telecoms engineering firms, service carriers and technology vendors in eight countries in Asia, Europe and North and South America. Average industry benchmarks were created for each market with regards to the services carriers required from vendors in installing telecommunications equipment, and in their Annual Maintenance Contracts. Price trends were forecasted based on interview responses and capex analysis; Intercedent provided a full strategic recommendation on the composition of the client’s professional services portfolio.
Strategic Market Assessment of Optical Storage’s next generation
A major manufacturer of high technology manufacturing components enlisted Intercedent’s help in assessing the technology, competitive and economic drivers behind the so-called ‘third generation’ of optical storage and the migration of the industry to the HD DVD and Blu-ray standards. Specifically, Intercedent, through a series of industrial interviews with optical disc manufacturers and manufacturers of injection molding machines, was able to assess the specific ways in which third generation migration would impact our client’s customers, operationally and strategically, and advised them on the role they could play in that migration.
International submarine bandwidth assessment
For a major international provider of telecoms services for enterprises, Intercedent conducted an audit of the supply of international bandwidth in the Asia-Pacific market, and assessed the capacity upgrade plans of major ‘wholesale’ cable operators. The resulting analysis assisted the client in their own capacity planning for the coming year.
For more information and references, please contact Ross O'Brien for a copy of Intercedent’s ICT Consulting & Research Credentials Statement.